Multiple views show Bible versions in parallel columns, vertical comparative lines or full context. Multiple copies of BibleWorks may be opened for convenience. Mouse pop-ups show verse text for each resource. Manage and browse online and offline books and internet links (ERMIE). Link manager handles your own links to Internet resources and other Bible software. Learn to use the program with hours of online videos and a full electronic manual. Highlighted text and search results can be saved in multiple sets. Hebrew and Greek review tools including vocabulary flashcards are available in print, electronic and audio formats, Daily Light in Greek & Hebrew, and more. Extensive search tools for lexical, grammatical, phrase, semantic domain, related verse, key word in context searches. Editor supports Unicode and has a wide range of editing features. Editable timelines of church and secular history provide a historical perspective. Drag & Drop is supported between BibleWorks and many word processors. Diagramming module enables users to construct diagrams of any text. Custom lexicons can be created, based on words in a particular passage.

Custom cross-reference databases can be created. Copy and paste verse text to other programs customizing text and verse reference format. Complete lemmatization and parsing is provided for Greek New Testament, Septuagint and Hebrew Old Testament. Comparison tools highlight differences between Bible versions. Bibliographic information (includes Zotero RDF, Refer-BiblX, BibTeX, and RIS files). Bible texts, dictionaries and lexicons are fully searchable, with many search options. Analysis windows show related lexical and grammatical references for a word or verse, cross references, full browse context, common words, Study Bible notes, critical apparatus sections, full list of word usage with occurrence graphs, etc. The Unicode fonts SBL Greek and SBL Hebrew are included. A wide range of Greek and Hebrew fonts are provided, both Unicode and non-Unicode. Dedicated tab for getting the most out of the AGNT Greek New Testamanr Morpholological color coding for Greek and Hebrew tagged texts Screen scaling (essential for use on many high resolution pad computers) I do not.Ĭoncerning the full features of this new incarnation of BibleWorks- here’s what it has: Others will, naturally, enjoy being read to. I prefer, frankly, seeing the words rather than hearing someone else speak them.

So, concerning the Greek audio- it’s a useful thing but something I do not intend regularly to use. In this present, and final installment I would like to focus on the audio portion (for which you’ll simply have to take my word since there’s no way to share the audio files known to me) and the program’s features and one minor criticism. Earlier segments of this review series are listed here.