Change them to your liking, then go down to the batch. Whatever clothing or armor they are wearing will be using your bodyslide shape. However, this again means just the naked body. As for other race conversions, you'll just have to go by trial and error. Some NPC replacers like Bijin, Men of Winter and Male NPC Overhaul come with their own body meshes for the NPCs, which wont be affected by your bodyslide output. I'm not sure why that is, but it worked for me. If you change an imperial to a khajiit, for example, they will have fur and a tail, but their heads will stay human, except with a disembodied set of khajiit teeth floating in front of them.ĮDIT: Actually, you can change an imperial to a khajiit correctly by doing this: Change the NPC to an Argonian first, and then change them to a khajiit. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points.

Although I can open followers (or NPCs in general) for editing, when invoked for them, racemenu opens in a limited manner and it doesnt. Is there a mod or console command that lets you change the appearance of NPCs The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC. A few examples would be "setrace argonian" or "setrace woodelf". When I edit my character using racemenu, Im able to change the view of the camera (up down forward back rotate), Im able to load a preset or save the one Ive just edited, and to edit facial characteristics. How to change NPC model/appearance - posted in Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders: Can anyone tell me on how to change the character models for NPCs Heres what i want to do, Im currently using the Ordinator perk mod and theres a perk there that lets you create skeletons. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC.

In your Data folder, you should see a NPC Visual Transfer folder. Using the Skyrim SSE Creation KitMy profile on the the. Back to top 2 klisi Posted 05 October 2020 - 02:07 pm Stranger Members 2 posts Wait a min, this looks insane. The correct answer to your question is to go into the command console in-game with the tilde (~) key, click on the character you want to change with the mouse pointer (might take a few tries to select the character, the console pointer can be kind of finicky) and enter "Setrace ". For NMM Users: Install NPC Visual Transfer using 'Download with Manager', and install the mod as usual. We add some custom hair (from KS Hairdos) and replace hair of an NPC in another Skyrim NPC overhaul. Fear me Members 2,742,412 posts NPC Appearance Changer Allows you to change the appearance of NPCs in-game, via saved presets and RaceMenu. I'm not quite sure if you want a Dunmer (in terms of stats, dialogue etc) who will look completely Nord (like, with the first face) or whether you want a Dunmer with Nord skintones, eyes etc.The stupidity of the people on this site never ceases to amaze me. Sorry, it's difficult to be sure if we're driving at the same thing.